“…cross-dressed for success…”

(Cabaret song for voice and piano) 

Duration: 4'

Year of completion: 1996

Lyrics: Andrew Sofer

Excerpt from Victor's Secret

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I used to be dapper and dressed to the hilt
All my tackle was perfectly trim
I turned women’s heads, even disarranged beds
And broke a few hearts on a whim

But I went all agog when a strange catalogue
Arrived one day in the mail
Full of racy encounters with lacy pink flounces
Made to hoist my sail

Now Victor’s got a secret
Victor’s got a secret
If you can keep it
Victor’s got a secret if you can keep it

Need a quick pick-me up? Try a size C cup
You’ll be amazed how good it feels
For a riskier bet try a frisky soubrette
When you’re feeling worn down at the heels

The habitués frown at my gold lame gown
They prefer my shameless Lord Byroning
But I’m simply divine when I sparkle and shine
And my wife doesn’t mind extra ironing

Now Victor’s got a secret
Victor’s got a secret
Don’t you repeat it
Victor’s got a secret don’t you repeat it

Now the pious might curse, and the police do far worse
While the puritans pout their distress
But they don’t bother me, Victor’s proud and he’s free
Let’s just say I’m cross-dressed for success

Now Victor’s got a secret
Victor’s got a secret
No need to keep it
Victor’s got a secret, no need to keep it


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