Two Beavers' works to be featured on a concert in October.


As a teacher for the Rubinstein Akademie, Beavers has curated an exciting concert of American music at Haus der Universität. In addition to a performance of the Beavers Octet, a new duo for clarinet and horn will be premiered.



1. Rubinstein Showcase im Haus der Universität

Mo., 5. OKTOBER 2015, 19:30 UHR



Franziska Früh Violine
Kerstin Beavers Viola
Gilad Kaplansky Violoncello
Johanna Blomenkamp Kontrabass
Ruth Legelli Flöte
Andreas Boege Oboe
Thomas Weißschnur Klarinette
Katharina Groll Fagott
Lisa Rogers Horn
Alena Kamchatna Klavier

Konzert mit Werken von Reich, Liebermann, Carter, Crumb, Beavers.

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